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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Texas Subjects of Electronic Experimentation Became Suspects The Suspects Became Enemies of Solid State

Unabridged !
Moms and Dads Use Discretion Or 
Watch It With Your Child
Gun Violence A Picture Is Worth
The Conclusion of the Animation "Human Research Outside of Protocol follows:

From  "The School Of Hard Knocks "

Mary's condition started to improve once we put all the pieces together and she realized what was happening to both of us - We were being attacked by hyper-surveillance. In other words, she was not losing her mind; her intuition was in fact true. 

My sophomoric attitude of thinking that the United States Government worked the way they taught it in Government 1.01 and 1.02, change to good old street smart Vietnam Veteran. Hyper-surveillance transformed us into hyper-vigilance like a couple of cats!

Never-the-less, my condition started to deteriorate to clinical depression and disillusionment. I had several long talks with Mary about dropping out of school and moving to Siberia, now that we knew no matter what action we took we were going to be stalked mercilessly by the Secret Service, CIA, and NSA was still a science fiction idea to me. 

I could not leave Mary home alone, so we decided to go back to school, side by side together and take whatever came our way! I followed protocol right out of the University manual step by step; even though, it just made everybody more suspicious and angry. The subjects of electronic experimentation became the suspects, suspects became enemies of solid state. 

Finally, I write a nice letter to my Senator John Cornyn and get a screaming phone call from a Private Detective, who was part of a big money federal grant package  for the unheard of program “Domestic Surveillance” not yet approved by congress but approved by President George Bush. 

I read about the detective that gave me the call at home  in the paper, article written by journalist Graeme Zielinski, STAFF Section: Metro and State News Publish Date: May 16, 2008 Ex-FBI chief urges unity to fight terrorism web Document ID: 120BE19B24116218:

“Former FBI Director William Sessions told the heavies of local law enforcement and security businesses congregated at the Oak Hills Country Club on Thursday that the new realities of international terrorism require constant cooperation among all agencies and with private firms”

“And the top local cop was Sgt. Thomas Calucci of the University of Texas at San Antonio Police Department, who headed a team formed to identify folks on campus with psychological issues who could pose threats” 

“If you have a nit of sense, you know there is no dividing line,” said Sessions, the former U.S. attorney here and one-time federal judge who led the FBI from 1987 to 1993.” 

“We must share,” Sessions said, referring to the importance that intelligence holds in a post-Sept. 11, 2001, world. “We must find ways to do it.” 

The information sharing was what concerned me most. The CIA, FBI, Secret Services where established with a clear understanding that there is a dividing line between those that can operate in any way and means but did not share that information with the police. 

In other words if there is no dividing line, then Texas is now a Police State and I just acted as an informant to the FBI thinking that anything I said would be confidential. Sessions statement, “We must share, we must find ways to do it” scared the hell out of me. Not just for own safety but that meant everybody except the police and political leaders would subjected to the rule of law, which leads to police corruption or what is known as a Police State. 

In a police state all a political has to do is point his finger at you, and they will come up with due cause for something. William sessions was highly criticized for attacking the Branch Davidian church in Waco Texas by establishing due cause by claiming psychologically programmed sleeper agents Project MKULTR; however, during the congressional hearing they claimed “we had reason to believe they were manufacturing methamphetamine” in the Waco Davidian  Church, which they were not. 

I am not criticizing Sessions trying to save the lives of children by any means he could, the point is  “due cause” is always a moot proposition. Again, who would argue against law enforcement to do anything in their power to protect children and I do believe William Sessions is a honorable man.

Hind site 20/20 judgmental views don't carry any weight, when there was not a better man or woman for the job period. My view was watching as Texans  lined up against barbwire fences along the farm to market road with bar-be-ques pits lit and cooking brisket but from Chinese satellite TV.

The Bush Administration in 2006, authorized the sharing of any information collected by any means with Law Enforcement and Civilian Private Security Firms including intrusive equipment by Satellite or any surveillance devices not limited to electronic equipment. This Presidential mandate was applied without congressional approval in the State of Texas Only! 

This was an illegally incorporated Private Security Firm on a Texas University authorized by Bush by way of Governor Rick Perry for the new top secret domestic surveillance program mandated by President Bush without the approval of congress and I was the justification or the first subject ie: the person with psychological issues who could pose threats. 

They used psychological issues for ‘due cause’ to investigate me [My Disability Limited Mobility] and to justify warrants by a Rick Perry bias appointed judge to further their domestic surveillance such as wiretapping and tracking devices in my name. 

What made matters worse, they needed a manufacture for these devices and Bush administration NAO domestic surveillance policy in 2006 establish funding for certain manufactures. The one that concerned me most was the discovery of that firm as follows:

"JOHN ASHCROFT AND WILLIAM S. SESSIONS JOIN DIGITAL ALLY, INC. ADVISORY BOARD FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL, FORMER FBI DIRECTOR BRING VALUABLE EXPERIENCE TO COMPANY’S PURSUIT OF STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES LEAWOOD, Kansas (October 5, 2006) – Digital Ally, Inc. (Pink Sheets: DGLY),which develops, manufactures and markets advanced technology products for law enforcement, homeland security and commercial security applications, today announced that John Ashcroft and Judge William S. Sessions have joined the Company’s Advisory Board."

These electronic devices as psychological programs such as MUlKRA have been abused by Texas leadership, which includes but not limited to Internet censorship, behavioral political control networks, and harmful biological or electronic devices that are classified; however, exist and have been used against targeted peaceful political adversaries, retaliation, illegal gathering of investigative information, threatening intimidation, black list, employment to buy votes, hacking, and human behavioral experiments that have caused harm and injury to unknown numbers of Texas Citizens.

The only way that all of those civil liberties we think we have are persevered is by the United States Justice Department: however, the Bush Administration made a hit list of Attorney Generals and fired those that would not do as told and made those that remained subservient to any Republican Party demand as told in  the article, Prosecutors’ Firing was Urged During Probe by Dan Eggen Washington Post Staff writer, Monday, March 19, 2007.

Lieutenant Texas Governor James Richard Perry, known as “Rick Perry” assumed the office of  Texas Governor by protocol of George W. Bush winning presidential election in 2000 just months before the attack and issued an executive order RP8 "Relating to the Governor's Task Force of Homeland Security. This executive order supersedes all previous orders and shall remain in effect and in full force until modified, amended, rescinded, or superseded by me  [Governor Rick Perry] or by a succeeding Governor.”

Unfortunately, The order was never been rescinded or was still in effect as of his third election in 2010 which gave the Governor almost complete dictatorship in Texas which included over 3000 bias appointees of Public Trust some embedded in the supreme court creating a corrupt Texas Justice system. 

Making the situation more volatile,  Texas has a long history of using white supremacy thugs for convert gun walking, drug and human trafficking. The same is true on the other side of the border of just another color; however, an exiting President Felipe Calderón had the pleasure of arresting a corrupt Governor of the Mexican state that borders Texas. 

Executive Order RP8 violated the Civil and Human Rights of all Texas Citizens clearly expressed by the Constitution of the United States of America. Texas Governor Rick Perry  used Overt and Convert Acts against the people of Texas solely to retain power and oppress the people of Texas in the name of  National Security justified by the 911 Patriot Act.

He openly declared war on the United States and attempted succession from the Union without consideration of law abiding American Patriots who reside in Texas and are United States Citizens.

The Governor of Texas by virtue of the power and authority is legally responsible for and is directly linked to the abuse of Federal Funds by his signature of executive order RP8 which formed the Texas anti-terrorism task force that lead to political favors that include State as well as Federal employees who freely act without fear of prosecution as if above the law.

Texas Governor Rick Perry sat aloof of illegal acts as if by washing his hands releases him from any involvement as all others by his orders must suffer punishment by law as a consequence of his executive emergency order and their own illegal actions. 

These favors or lawless orders are justified by fear of a necessary evil for a better good against an unidentified fictitious enemy of the United States by using the term 'Terrorism or Terrorist' instead of specific persons or organizations that have attacked or plan to attack the United States or at war with the same, which lends to the abuse of power by fear of unknown threats to retain power and oppress the people by anti-ethical investigations devices and by prosecution of the innocent with undue conspiracy charges whenever the Governor of Texas cries wolf or 'Terrorism.'

The new 911 free- for- all spending Act mandated by George Bush Jr. drained our economy by paying our neighbors to keep an eye on us as secret intelligence operatives and corporations now protected by the secret emergency measure under the guise to keep us safe while violating the intent to our right to personal privacy protected by our constitution.

Every time congress enacts a new law, no matter how trivial, we are strip of our freedom to legislate our own actions and places the burden of our behavior on Law Enforcement Agencies. If congress were to pass a law today that band sex, very few would obey the law nor would the police enforce it; however, if the law only applies to the citizens and not to those who govern or the police who are rewarded for enforcing the law, violates the 'rule of law' that only leads to government corruption.

Likewise, congressional law makers know, no matter how rational a proposition may seem in theory, the only way to prove a legislative mandate benefits the better good is after the law is applied. If a newly drafted law is the cause of better sweet consequences or unjust; the law is debated by a congressional 
oversight committee, and if necessary adjusted in some way or is repealed.

Legislative laws that produce dire consequences, especially for those that band together as Special Interest Groups and those that govern, creates a power uproar so loud it calls for immediate action and in some cases Martial law is supreme as we have seen after the September 11, 2001 attack on New York City with the disregard to our right to privacy which is also a constitutional necessity. The 911 Patriot Act was intend to protect Civil Liberties while by any means of data collection protect the United States from another attack.

Emergency executive orders or Martial at the state level such as Texas were rightly approved and enacted to protect the whole body of the United States from Terrorism with good reason, we had just been attacked with our own passenger airlines that brought down the twin towers that stood high above the New York city sky-line.

The towers hosted the world’s global financial centers that killed near 4000 people, September 11, 2001. On this same day attempts to destroy the Pentagon and the White House failed to complete their mission, praise God.

Groups of conspiracy theorist considered the secrecy of provisions of the 911 Act a cover up of political control, who openly expressed opinions on the global internet of corruption of those that held political power, which made them a target of suspension by the very computer applications warned about in the force publication of Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski manifesto, known today as robo-executioners.

This made matters worse, when the enemy is a human criminal element and the other enemy is a mindless data chip that shows no mercy at all! The robo-executioner disarmed in 2009 was a horror story for Mary and me.

The only way I knew how to protect us from attacks was to disclose that we were "friendly" on the internet just as victims in Mexico or anywhere along the TexMex border do as the only means of effective communications. I don't recommend this anyone but when your life is in danger you do whatever can by any means to protect those that you love.

I had several long talks with Mary about moving to Siberia, now that we knew no matter what action we took we were going to be stalked mercilessly by criminal elements as well as protective agents, who still did not who I am or what the hell I was trying to say! 

I Support Background Checks For All Gun Sales
To Prevent People Who Are A Danger
To Themselves And Others From Buying Guns

Signed Gregory N. O'Dell  04/12/2013


Unknown said...

'Too Big To Fail' 'Too Big To Jail' Reality Check The FBI 'To Weak To Prosecute And Jail'

Unknown said...

FBI Did Not Have Enough Evidence Now They Do