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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

NSA Texas Black Ops Is No X-Box Game If The Senate Is Unaware It Is Terrorism

Texas State Sponsored Terrorism
Texas Secret Militia [NSA Black Ops]
It's No Secret

Don’t Criticize What You Do Not Understand

What you can do. Writers and Philosophers pick-up your Pen and Big Chief tablet, Internet Hacking will never end. No Code No Hackers - Privacy a Right To Reason On Your Own. Don't do as I do - put yourself at risk for others.

But for me, I am not going away. These Crimes Against Humanity are documented Federal Offenses That Carry 25 Years in Federal Prison for Each Count. I Am Counting on The San Antonio FBI - No Place To Run!

The San Antonio Field Office Director was just promoted to Washington, while Mueller is relived of duty. The San Antonio Field Office Told Me It Would Take Time. I think Five Years is enough time. But I am counting on You!

Senator Cornyn, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson -  you WERE on my Mind. I had to go to Oregon to get the help that points the abuse to YOU. Tell me I am wrong, I don't want to be right in this case.

Senator Ted Cruz Don't Make Another Move Until You Read My Case or You will be ejected from the Senate Seat for conspiracy - Permanently . 

You WERE On My Mind
Thanks To Senator Ron Wyden You May Be In Big Trouble

Thousands of Suicides and Homicides in the State Great State of Texas

Point to Aerospace Domestic Surveillance
Texas Governor Rick Perry is A Criminal That Is A Known

I Am Not Going Away

Please return this form to: 
Senator Ron Wyden 
911 NE 11th Ave. 
Suite 630 
Portland, OR 97232 
Phone: (503) 326-7525 Fax: (503) 326-7528 

NAME:___Gregory N. O’Dell__________________________________ SSN:___456-13-5816________ 
ADDRESS:__1290 Mc Coy Road__________________________________________________ 
CITY:______Somerset________________ STATE:__Texas______ ZIP:____78069_____________ 
HOME PHONE:__830-429-1965_____________________ WORK PHONE:____830-701-4143_____ 
BIRTHDATE:__11/27/1957______________________ BIRTHPLACE:____San Antonio Texas_______ 
I request the assistance of Senator Ron Wyden with the following federal agency: 
___Assistance for a Targeted family__Sent to FBI ______________________________________ 
Explain the nature of your problem: __Background 2011__ I just sent a message to this person thinking that email was a friendly trying to help me at this URL: Check my deleted emails the day before the Osama raid and you will find an email from Owens 18 hours before the kill 'Watch out Country Hick Some Shit is going down' with an attached video of what appeared to be a Hindu funereal. I just sent you a tip one hour ago that was valid. You will find other emails from Government offices in my deleted email account delete basket such as ‘I am Glad you finally said that’ which was concerning my pressing of criminal charges of threats to our farm by two agents that identified themselves as Secret Service and CIA in 2008. Everything that has happened to me has a logical reason. I will be glad to testify or give you any other information that you need, anytime you ask. But you must ask me first; otherwise, I will assume that all my problems are in your good hands. These things are a job for the FBI not me the victim.  See Attached 2 pages mailed to the OIG and my State Senator Carlos Uresiti 

Senator Wyden there are several thousands of victims within the United States that are targeted just like me; and have sought help from law enforcement, various Federal Agencies and other entities but to no avail. We have the evidence; but are largely ignored.  Senator we would like you to request an Investigative Congressional Hearing into the misuse of direct energy weapon used for remote neural monitoring. Our Constitutional rights have been violated. We still believe that our great Country is governed by the Constitution, not policy, nor totalitarianism. 
I authorize Senator Ron Wyden and/or members of his staff to make the appropriate inquiry on my behalf. Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579) became effective September 27, 1975. 

SIGNATURE:__________________________________ DATE:_____02/16/2013________________ 

Why Greg Abbott Texas Attorney General Has Not Pursued My Case Is A Federal Offense 

Cyber Attacks? Electronic Warfare does not rest in the Domain of a Universe that does not exist
Human Exploitation Other ________________________

The Attorney Generals of every State have a way for citizens to report such events of physical attacks by way of the victims of crime web sites set-up in almost every state of the union.

The misconception caused by those who like to build words and phrases that are not in the dictionary such as "Cyber-Space" has placed a heavy ambiguous burden of the threat of electronic warfare and National Security. Electronic warfare does not rest in a universe that does not exist such as "Cyber-Space."
Trillions of dollars have been allocated to a domain of non-existence that has the power to deliver or discharge an electronic attack such as by microwave or involving anything within the domain of the electromagnetic spectrum such as sticking your finger in a light socket, which delivers electrocution to a person from our electrical grids.

 Electrocution, rest in the domain of the physical universe not Cyber-Space - which is a universe that does not exist. I cannot help anyone that does not have a belief in God. A belief in God is a win win proposition. Just look at the power and trillions of dollars allotted to something that does exist has such as "Cyber-Space."

The DOD should reconsider the internet just a point of delivery just like our electrical grid, so we can control or defend attacks on United States citizens living inside the borders of the United States. When words or phrases are fabricated such as "Cyber Space" disrupts our legislative branch, who now cannot write legislation to protect citizens or can citizens access a way to report an incident of electronic attack. Citizens such as me that have been attacked have reported to local police and have been hospitalized from the events; however, local law enforcement is not trained to respond to such events.

Many cases such as mine are ignored by local law enforcement as delusions, so the events cannot be recorded as valid and sound or collected for purposes for our protection. How do you report physical attacks by electronic warfare delivered by an electronic device; be it a telephone, cell phone, personal computer or satellite device? As of today you cannot do so!

The Attorney Generals of every State should have a way for citizens to report such events of physical attacks by way of the victims of crime web sites set-up in almost every state of the union.  Please consider a way to report an electronic event so we can see the problem and the DOD can address the problem rationally.
I know of one case where the proper procedure was followed in the State Texas; however, the state failed to respond:

Pentagon declares the Internet a war domain
By John T. Bennett - 07/14/11 07:58 PM ET

The Pentagon released a long-promised cybersecurity plan Thursday that declares the Internet a domain of war but does not spell out how the U.S. military would use the Web for offensive strikes.
The Defense Department’s first-ever plan for cyberspace states that DOD will expand its ability to thwart attacks from other nations and groups, beef up its cybersecurity workforce and expand collaboration with the private sector.
Specialist in Technology and National Security, Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division makes certain distinctions that make it difficult to address by alluding to something that does not exist or is an invisible crime. Electronic warfare is not an invisible crime, it can and does cause physical harm!

The CRS Report from Congress, Order Code RL31787, Information Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Cyberwar: Capabilities and Related Policy Issues, Updated March 20, 2007 by Clay Wilson
Electronic Warfare as of 2007 is considered Information Operations (IO). As of that date, IO activities   are grouped by the Department of defense (DOD) into five core capabilities: (1) Psychological  Operations, (2)Military Deception,(3) Operational security, (4) Computer Network Operations, and (5)  Electronic warfare.
The DOD should reconsider the internet just a point of delivery just like our electrical grid, so we can control or defend attacks on United States citizens living inside the borders of the United States. When words or phrases are fabricated such as "Cyber Space" disrupts our legislative branch, who now cannot write legislation to protect citizens or can citizens access a way to report an incident of electronic attack. Citizens such as me that have been attacked have reported to local police and have been hospitalized from the events; however, local law enforcement is not trained to respond to such events.
Many cases such as mine are ignored by local law enforcement as delusions, so the events cannot be recorded as valid and sound or collected for purposes for our protection. How do you report physical attacks by electronic warfare delivered by an electronic device; be it a telephone, cell phone, personal computer or satellite device? As of today you cannot do so!
The Attorney Generals of every State should have a way for citizens to report such events of physical attacks by way of the victims of crime web sites set-up in almost every state of the union.  Please consider a way to report an electronic event so we can see the problem and the DOD can address the problem rationally.
“DOD has noted that military functions involving the electromagnetic spectrum take place in what is now called the cyber domain, similar to air , land, and sea. This cyber domain is the responsibility of the new Air Force Cyber Command and includes cyber warfare, electronic warfare, and protection of U.S. critical infrastructure networks that support telecommunications systems, utilities, and Transportation.”
Congress should take immediate action to find ways and means for citizens to report an electronic attack. One suggestion would be to put out an FBI alert to all Law enforcement personal to take electronic attacks reports seriously and encourage citizens to report such events without retaliation or even considering the victim as delusional, such was the case of rape cases not long ago; as if the victim was delusional and the criminals avoided prosecution simply because Local Law enforcement officials were not trained properly!

by G N O'Dell This Is No Game

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