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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Last Man Out of Vietnam Takes Them All Out

Still Smoking

Gee Marshall “I knew I hung that clothes line to high”

‘Chester take Burt Reeves and his son up to Boot Hill and bury them forever”

United States State Department Must Act Answer in 5 Days
Request for Diplomatic Passport by Letter from US Attorney General FAA364_1964 "You Need an Attorney to Sue International law" has a need to protect himself and family members when the State Department Fails to Protect Their Own! passport 520647917

Reference: Scotland Yard Breach

Gregory O'Dell Needs to Travel to the following counties Vietnam, Arabia Great Britain and Guangzhou Counsalt, and Mexico  see my Congressman Henry Cuellar Texas 28th who failed and profited off my pain and memories of the dead in several terrorist bombing delivered to the DOD and FBI. Obama Speech on Monday May 2 could divert this problem if the Secret Service desires to do so. Thank You

Easy answers to difficult questions It is the FBI’s Federal Prosecutors Job to Contact Me Before the Speech at 8:00pm Monday CNN. DOD has Documents in hand 04.30.2016 VA Extortion of VA entitlements and failure to pay insurance by the United States Department

Donald Trumps $200,00 Dollar Bet
I am not from New Jersey I from Texas and when a man gives their word it is a bond In this case a $200,000 bet from New Jersey . A Club in New Jersey was enjoying my blogs ..... they write a Texas Song "I am from New Jersey not Texas we don't expect to much if the world comes to and end tomorrow we just accept it...." THEN THERE WAS THIS HURRICANE

Privacy A Right To Reason On Your Own
Give Credit Where It's Due - They Took Themselves Out

MATTERS.  Information is excepted from the requirements of Section 
552.021 if:
(1)  it is information that the attorney general or an 
attorney of a political subdivision is prohibited from disclosing 
because of a duty to the client under the Texas Rules of Evidence or 
the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct;  or

I just sat here on the farm drinking ice cold lemon-aide

Donald Trumps $200,00 Dollar Bet
I am not from New Jersey I from Texas and when a man gives their word it is a bond In this case a $200,000 bet from New Jersey . A Club in New Jersey was enjoying my blogs ..... they write a Texas Song "I am from New Jersey not Texas we don't expect to much if the world comes to and end tomorrow we just accept it...." THEN THERE WAS THIS HURRICANE
The Rule-of-Law
Federal Government can do whatever it wants 
and sometimes they do things in you favor

And sometimes they do not.
Just Say - God Bless America!

And if the Legitimate Secret Society of the United States of America ask me anything - I will do it because I am a United States Veteran and the Secret Service Is Supreme!

If you are under surveillance by the Secret Service you will not know it. That's how I know all the sensors in my home were placed by amateurs 

They were In My P.C. Demanding information about a Manuscript titled

 "The Whale"
and another titled 
"Dogie it"

The Whale I refer to is the Great White Whale "Moby Dick"

You have called me by many names such as "Country Hick,"  "South of Sanity," "Iron Man" "Coward" and just yesterday, I have been honored with 13,000 "Southern Infidel" Twitter followers. Give um to much rope they might hang themselves for treason or why:

 "My Privacy Should Concern You"

Their Logo 

I am very familiar with their logo.
 Nothing has Change In South Texas 
Sense the 1960's.

You can call me Southern Man.  My friends call me Ishmael. 

by Herman Melville
Additional Annotations added by Dr. Rearick
can be found by clicking here
or by clicking on appropriate text within the novel.


 "Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off- then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball."

That's what Melville said he would do "Going to sea is a substitute for his pistol and ball."

No need for a pistol for me "Take almost any path you please, and ten to one it carries you down in a dale, and leaves you there by a pool in the stream - there is a magic in it." 

"The man with the pebbles was happy to meet his new acquaintances for it had been a long and lonely journey; he told about his travels about the sack of stones; then he threw a stone into the clear cool water. They all saw it, no body dared doubt, it was different; it was another time, they jumped up shouting for joy leaping heavily into the pool."

G. N. O'Dell 

Tender Mercy is our book, it’s meant for all families to enjoy. Our fable starts in Old Mexico and takes us to all to eternity. On occasion in life a time travel story arise, this one is now. I pray you enjoy this fast read.

Dedicated To All Life

Written In Prayer In Christ God


The Whale And The Western

 No, it was not him that had been with his sister but it was family, it bothered him so. How could life be like this? And the crops in the field? He left, heading north not knowing which way to go. Paso del Aguila he thought, I have never been that far from Chihuahua, my Uncles are still working in Nueva Vicaya. I will pass through the Sierra Madre, so I can say fair well to my good friends, I will find a new life one of prosperity and wealth. He walked long; he traveled so long his sandaled feet became as white as caliches. Mile after thirsty mile he wandered on; longing so much to see La Junta de los Rios. It was the Pescado Indians that had given them to him, he had met them there under that shaded mesquite tree. He had been chewing on a mesquite bean just to stay alive. He thought, for if I am to die I must first pass through Nuevo Leon, who knows maybe I can find work. It was there by that tree, where his Indian friends gave to him; that old leather pouch; in it, the miracle stones. They were just simple river stones, but they carried the visions of the times. He was told if you cast them into a pool of water; an appearance will manifest, you will see what your heart needs to know. No more Tamaulipas, no more Zacatecas, no more Coahuila; I must go north to the richness and to the fertile fields. He looked all around, his friends were just a dust cloud on the horizon, he was again alone; it was a surprise to him; there it was carved into that old tree; he wondered why he didn’t see it before; it was simple, but he could not understand what it was; it read LBJ. He looked again to call out to his friends, but they were gone.

    His hair grew long, while over the days his body did curse the noonday’s sun. Look! There; over there; an oasis of a fine creek and a pool of water; shaded by brush. Shush! He thought to himself; what is that noise. It was men; he could hear them talking so he approached them introducing himself. Almost like old friends they greeted; there were eight of them, they helped each other with the stories of where they had been. It wasn’t until late in the evening when they had a fire going did he hear the story; that one of the men there had killed his own brother; and was now was running for his life. He said his father hated him, he couldn’t go back. They all shared the names of the families they had left behind. He noticed that on one of the men’s arms was a marking done with some sort of coloring; it was shaped like a dove, a morning dove; written under it was the letters LBJ. He was afraid to ask, but he wanted too so much. The man with the pebbles was happy to meet his new acquaintances for it had been a long and lonely journey; he told about his travels about the sack of stones; then he threw a stone into the clear cool water. They all saw it, no body dared doubt, it was different; it was another time, they jumped up shouting for joy leaping heavily into the pool. The water churned; the air stirred, a dust wind rose up about them; there it was looking right at them. It was the eye of the coyote. The men didn’t know what to do, they looked around to turn and run; but it was to late. A woman’s voice, a wise woman; telling another jesty story to cause men to do her deeds; the guns and the noise and the horses, it was war, it was really a war, and they all stepped right into it.

The Republican GOP War On Government Regulatory Agencies

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Unknown said...