Update: 12/16/2013
Capitalism the Way It Works
“It is just a matter of physics or the
natural order of things”
Order of The Clandestine Monks
We Will Keep You Safer
Your Success Is No Longer Controlled By You
And That Is Bad For Us!
Where Do We Go From Here Innovative Protective Devices Stock to Climb
Capitalism the Way It Works
“It is just a matter of physics or the
natural order of things”
Order of The Clandestine Monks
Your Success Is No Longer Controlled By You
And That Is Bad For Us!
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OCM Gives Power Back To The People YOU! by Order of The Clandestine Monks Join Us The Inner Circle https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/117358640822851949420/117358640822851949420/posts Privacy Why It Should Concern You! |
Intrusion into your personal space, by persons or networks of mindless electronic devices, plagiarizers and patent trolls has robbed you of your creativity, spirituality, copyrights, income, and dreams.
Where Do We Go From Here Innovative Protective Devices Stock to Climb
There is no limit to the design and manufacturing of trustworthy protective devices and targeting of those who entered our homes and bodies with the most vile disgusting Wi-Fi behavioral control devices that stole away our lives and savings!
It Will Keep Us Safer
Prosecution The Only Solution
Crimes Against Humanity
Trigger Economic Prosperity
Why Do We Need A Sequester? Just Go Down My List And Drop Every Single Department. These organizations do not respond to valid complaints of abuse, covert acts, and even homicide.
90 Days Ago Background For ADA Complaints, turn to Criminal Charges Sent To The United States Justice Department
Criminal Justice Civil Rights, Main
Why Do We Need A Sequester? Just Go Down My List And Drop Every Single Department. These organizations do not respond to valid complaints of abuse, covert acts, and even homicide.
90 Days Ago Background For ADA Complaints, turn to Criminal Charges Sent To The United States Justice Department
Criminal Justice Civil Rights, Main
Texas Aerospace Domestic Surveillance
Part I
“Human Research Outside of Protocol”
Texas Aerospace Domestic Surveillance
Part II
“The School Of Hard Knocks”
Mary's condition started to improve once we put all the pieces together and she realized what was happening to both of us: we were being attacked by aerospace hyper-surveillance. In other words, she was not losing her mind; her intuition was in fact true.
My sophomoric attitude of thinking that the United States Government worked the way they taught in high school social studies changed to that of a street-smart Vietnam veteran. Hyper-surveillance made us hyper-vigilant, like a couple of cats!
Knowledge might have been power but it had an adverse impact on me emotionally. I slipped into disillusionment and clinical depression. We knew no matter what action we took we were going to be stalked mercilessly by the Secret Service, CIA, and the NSA—still a science fiction scenario to me.. I had several long talks with Mary about dropping out of school and moving to Siberia.
But I could not leave Mary home alone, so we decided to go back to school, side by side, and take whatever came our way. I followed protocol right out of the University manual step by step, even though it just made everybody more suspicious and angry. The subjects of electronic experimentation became the suspects; suspects became enemies of solid state.
Finally, I wrote a nice letter to Senator John Cornyn and got a screaming phone call from a private detective, who was part of a big money federal grant package for the then-unheard of Domestic Surveillance Program implemented by President Bush without the approval of Congress. I read about the detective that called me at home in an article written by Graeme Zielinski for San Antonio’s Express News paper.
"Former FBI Director William Sessions told the heavies of local law enforcement and security businesses congregated at the Oak Hills Country Club on Thursday that the new realities of international terrorism require constant cooperation among all agencies and with private firms.
And the top local cop was Sgt. Thomas Calucci of the University of Texas at San Antonio Police Department, who headed a team formed to identify folks on campus with psychological issues who could pose threats."
“If you have a nit of sense, you know there is no dividing line,” said Sessions, the former U.S. Attorney here and one-time federal judge who led the FBI from 1987 to 1993.
“We must share,” Sessions said, referring to the importance that intelligence holds in a post-Sept. 11, 2001, world. “We must find ways to do it.”
The information sharing was what concerned me most. The CIA, FBI, and Secret Service were established with a clear understanding that there is a dividing line between those that can operate in any way and means but did not share that information with the police.
In other words, if there is no dividing line then Texas is now a police state and I just acted as an informant to the FBI thinking that anything I said would be confidential.
Sessions’ statement—We must share, we must find ways to do it—scared the hell out of me. Not just for my own safety but that meant everybody except the police and political leaders would subjected to the rule of law, which leads to police corruption or what is known as a police state.
In a police state all a politico has to do is point his finger at you and they will come up with just cause for something. William Sessions was highly criticized for attacking the Branch Davidian Church in Waco, Texas, by establishing just cause through claiming psychologically programmed sleeper agents. However, during the congressional hearing the Feds claimed, “We had reason to believe they were manufacturing methamphetamine.” which has never been substantiated.
I am not criticizing Sessions trying to save the lives of children by any means he could. The point is: just cause is always a moot proposition. Who would argue against law enforcement to do everything in their power to protect children? And I do believe William Sessions is an honorable man.
Hindsight is 20/20. Judgmental views don't carry any weight when there was not a better man or woman for the job…period.
The Branch Davidian standoff occurred while I was in Guangzhou, China. I watched events unfold—viewing Texans lined up against barbwire fences along the farm to market road with barbecue pits lit and cooking brisket—on Chinese satellite TV in old Canton.
In 2006, the Bush Administration authorized the sharing of information collected by any means with law enforcement and civilian private security firms, including intrusive equipment by satellite or any surveillance devices not limited to electronic equipment. This presidential mandate was applied without congressional approval in Texas only!
This was an illegally incorporated private security firm on a Texas university authorized by Bush by way of Governor Rick Perry to carry out the domestic surveillance program and I was the justification; the person with psychological issues who could pose threats.
That just cause authorized them to investigate me and justified warrants signed by a biased Rick Perry-appointed judge to further their domestic surveillance—such as wiretapping and tracking devices—in my name.
What made matters worse, the Bush administration established funding for certain companies to manufacture these devices. The one that concerned me most was Digital Ally.
A press release dated October 6, 2006 stated:
Digital Ally…which develops, manufactures, and markets advanced technology products for law enforcement, homeland security, and commercial security applications, today announced that John Ashcroft and Judge William S. Sessions have joined the Company’s Advisory Board.
These electronic devices used in psychological programs such as MK-Ultra, a mid 20th century secret mind control research project, have been abused by Texas leadership. Behavioral political control networks and harmful biological or electronic devices exist and have been used against targeted peaceful political adversaries in a number of ways: illegal gathering of investigative information, intimidation, black listing, hacking, and human behavioral experiments that have caused harm and injury to unknown numbers of Texas citizens.
The only way that all of those civil liberties we think we have are persevered is by the United States Justice Department. However, the Bush Administration made a hit list of U.S. Attorneys and fired those not subservient to the Republican Party. For example, in early 2007 a U.S. Attorney in San Diego was fired a day after she served warrants in a criminal investigation of defense contractors with close GOP ties.
After George Bush was elected president in 2000, Rick Perry, then Lieutenant Governor, assumed the Governor’s office. It was Perry who issued executive order establishing a state Governor's Task Force on Homeland Security, also known as RP8.
“This executive order supersedes all previous orders and shall remain in effect and in full force until modified, amended, rescinded, or superseded by me [Governor Rick Perry] or by a succeeding Governor.”
Unfortunately, the order was still in effect as of his third election in 2010, giving the Texas Governor almost complete dictatorship, including more than 3,000 bias appointees, some embedded in the State Supreme Court creating a corrupt Texas justice system.
Texas also has a long history of using white supremacists for gun running, drug dealing, and human trafficking. Executive Order RP8 violated the civil and human rights of all Texas citizens clearly expressed by the Constitution of the United States. Governor Rick Perry used overt and covert acts against Texans solely to retain power and oppress the people of Texas in the name of national security, as justified by the Patriot Act.
He openly declared war on the United States and attempted succession from the Union without consideration of law abiding American patriots who reside in Texas and are United States citizens.
The Governor of Texas by virtue of the power and authority is legally responsible for, and is directly linked to, the abuse of federal funds by establishing RP8. The executive order led to political favors for state as well as federal employees who act without fear of prosecution as if above the law.
Rick Perry sat aloof of illegal acts as if by washing his hands releases him from any involvement as all others by his orders must suffer punishment by law as a consequence of his executive emergency order and their own illegal actions.
These favors and lawless orders were justified as a necessary evil to protect against an unidentified, fictitious enemy designated as terrorists, instead of specific persons or organizations that have attacked or plan to attack the United States or declare war. This fear of the unknown leads to an abuse of power by oppressing the populace with anti-ethical investigations and prosecutions of the innocent with unfounded conspiracy charges whenever the Governor of Texas cries wolf, or terrorism.
Every time Congress enacts a new law, no matter how trivial, we are stripped of our freedom to legislate our own actions, placing the burden of our behavior on law enforcement agencies. If Congress were to pass a law today that banned sex, very few people would obey the law nor would the police enforce it. However, if the law only applied to citizens and not politicians and police, it would lead to government corruption.
Likewise, congressional law makers know, no matter how rational a proposition may seem in theory, the only way to prove a legislative mandate benefits the greater good is after the law is applied. If a newly drafted law is the cause of bitter sweet or unjust consequences, the law is debated by a Congressional oversight committee and if necessary adjusted in some way or repealed.
The Patriot Act was enacted to protect civil liberties while protecting the United States from another attack. Emergency executive orders at the state level were approved and enacted to protect the United States as a whole from terrorism and rightly so: we had just been attacked.
Groups of conspiracy theorist considered the secrecy of certain Patriot Act provisions a cover up of political control. Those who openly expressed their opinions online were targeted by the very computer applications Ted “The Unabomber” Kaczynski warned about in his manifesto, known today as robo-executioners, a mindless data chip that shows no mercy at all!
The robo-executioner disarmed in 2009 was a horror story for Mary and me. The only way I knew how to protect us from attacks was to disclose that we were friendly on the Internet. I don't recommend this but when your life is in danger you do whatever can by any means to protect those that you love.
Mary and I knew that no matter what action we took we were going to be stalked mercilessly by criminal elements as well as protective agents who still did not who we were or what the hell we were trying to say!
Why Do We Need A Sequester? Just Go Down My List And Drop Every Single Department. These organizations do not respond to valid complaints of abuse, covert acts, and even homicide.
Why Do We Need A Sequester? Just Go Down My List And Drop Every Single Department. These organizations do not respond to valid complaints of abuse, covert acts, and even homicide.
Gregory O’Dell Suzanne Cash
1290 Mc Coy Road Somerset Texas 78069
DHS Office of Inspector General
Attention: Office of Investigations Hotline
245 Murray Drive SW
Building 410/Mail Stop 2600
Washington, DC 20528
Fax: 202-254-4297
Re: Whistle Blower Retaliation Claim Official FAA Volunteer First Responder Atascosa County
Gregory N. O’Dell and Susanne Cash 1290 Mc Coy Road Somerset Texas 78069 830-429-1965
Allegations Against:
1. Senator Ted Cruz Austin Office
300 E. 8th., Suite #961
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 916-5834
2. Texas Governor Rick Perry Office of the Governor State Insurance Building
1100 San Jacinto Austin, Texas 78701
(800) 843-5789 (512) 463-2000
3. William Sessions 5403 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 (Home Land Security Sharing and Private Investigations)
(210) 349-5151
4. Thomas Calulci University of Texas at San Antonio - headquarters
One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas 78249
(210) 458-4011
5. Susanne Reed Bexar County Criminal District Attorney's Office
Paul Elizondo Tower, 101 W. Nueva, 4th Floor, San Antonio, Texas 78205
6. Belinda Cardenas University of Texas at San Antonio - headquarters
One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas 78249
(210) 458-4011
7. Department of Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Review and Compliance
245 Murray Lane, SW
Building 410, Mail Stop #0190
Washington, D.C. 20528
8. OIG U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W
Washington, D.C. 20202-1500
1. Five Years Stalking and Retaliation of a Disabled Veteran and Disable Spouse with deadly force on and off a Texas University Campuses in person, vehicle, helicopter, and drone.
2. Fraud of Federal Funds Greater Than 10,000 Owed To The Department of Education
3. OIG U.S. Department of Education Failed to Communicate I Reported Fraud 84,000,000,0000 and Tea Party Rebellion (Texas Gov. Declared War on the United States of America) Anti-terrorist
Task Force To the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security (The Means of Retaliation)
4. DHS Failed to communicated and tell the Dallas Office of Civil Rights that my case was still open and I was still being retaliated against.
5. OCR Dallas Taylor August (Information Withheld From Investigators 2008)
6. U.S. State Department (Reported International Stalking of a Disabled Student 2009,2010)
7. Greg Abbott (Refusal to release information due me or answer to my plea for protection of a disabled person)
8. OIG SAC (Reported Fraud, Abuse, Stalking Deadly Force Aerospace 2009,2012,2013)
9. Eric Holder (Reported Criminal Actions By Merck Sales Techniques and samples and lack of testing in Texas) They collected 1.8 Billion I Have received no compensation)
10. Texas Victims of Crimes (VC09141261 Never Compensated 2009,2012,2013)
11. Blanco County Court (April 2009 Abused of my disabled brother and accused me of being a Treasonous Rick Perry Tea Party Member of 2009, not to be confused with today’s Tea Party)
12. Senator Judith Zaffirini (Drone Stalking Police Swatting Bio-lethal Weapons 2011)
13. New OCR Complaint Filed from The Jourdanton Human Health Services 04/15/2010
14. Police Complaint to Somerset Police May 2009,2010
15. Police Complaint Bexar County Police Stalking and Retaliation of me and Susanne Cash Disabled person in my care (2009,2011) (UTSA campus 2008,)
16. Police Complaint Atascosa County Sheriff’s Office 12-04429 12-04727 06/13/2012
17. Department of Homeland Security Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (Victims of crime 2012)
18. Justice Victims of Crime denied 370,000 Dollars loss Tea Party Rebellion in 2009 (Governor Rick Perry Koch’s Brothers communication with the enemy force all employees to participate in Tea Party Rebellion April 2009) reported by myself and Susanne Cash While attending the University of Texas at San Antonio.
I was a 4.0 student and notice that my grades had been changed (2006) to the better or to say credits for classes I never attended. I reported this to Carol Gonzales UTSA as a whistleblower. Afterwards, I was Gang Stalked on and off campus, so I filed a Dallas OCR complaint that simply said “The University Quality Assurance Program is hardwired to favorable responses.”
Next, I was attacked verbally in front of 100 Anthropology Students, because I was late do to class due to disabled parking was moved where no healthy student would think to park, and the chair of the committee that made the change was the same Anthropology Professor, who attacked me and refused to sign a release so I could be a foreign exchange student. This same Professor was removed and retained a job at the University of Utah as head of the Disabled Department, later sued by the Department of Education for abuse and discrimination of the disabled. The same behavior of abuse follows these people wherever they go!
I contacted the Office of Civil Rights Dallas Texas so I could finish my degree and get away from the abuse. They sent me letter, after letter that I responded to each and every one and will swear in a court of law (and did in Blanco Court April 2009) all events where all witnessed and valid claims. Last week, they complained that I filed 22 grievances, most of which they requested from me!
They still have not work most of them! Belinda Cardenas was on the Board of Directors for UTSA at the same time the President of the University of El Paso, who with her co-conspirator Governor Rick Perry dis-validated my claims and put me and my extended family in danger of our lives. Rick Perry also sold our family oil rights to China (Chinese espionage and insurrection and Tea Party rebellion against the United States of America reported to the OIG 2009 and Henry Cuellar) and retaliated against our family by stopping the drilling on the most valuable piece of real state in Eagle Ford Shale, the lease will run out this year (My mother owns 1/50).
Congressional Representative Henry Cuellar spoke for me in Congress by Proxy, reading my statement requesting by 2/3 vote congress to remove Rick Perry from office for engaging in insurrection and Tea Party rebellion against the United States of America, fraud, and declaring war against the same. This is not the same Tea Party of today; this was a financed operation of Rick Perry and the Koch Brothers dealings with our enemy the Iranian governing power, and Chinese espionage regarding classified information and Eagle Ford Shale protected by the FBI as the “Private Sector.” Meanwhile back on our family farm, the Bush / Rick Perry CIA and Secret Service threatened my Father three times (2008), who told me after I returned from a Mexico College as a foreign exchange student; paid out of pocket by me because UTSA retaliated. I sent in a discloser statement to Taylor August Dallas OCR to let him know about the situation and that they threated my whole family.
Even though they threatened us, we did what they instructed and still suffered the consequences of their threats. A Doctor Medina was treating the whole family for stress and anxiety in fear for our lives, until he died unexpectedly. I am now, and my family is still being treated by Federal Psychiatrist to work through the trauma of the Stalking and Retaliation by Deadly Force by the State of Texas directly linked to Governor Rick Perry.
Persons Contacted:
1. OCR Dallas Taylor August (Information Withheld From Investigators 2008)
2. U.S. State Department (Reported International Stalking of a Disabled Student)
3. Greg Abbott (Refusal to release information due me or answer to my plea for protection of a disabled person)
4. OIG (Reported Fraud, Abuse, Stalking Deadly Force Aerospace 2009)
5. Eric Holder (Reported Criminal Actions By Merck) Texas Victims of Crimes (VC09141261 Never Compensated 2009,2012)
6. Blanco County Court (April 2009 Abuse me of my disabled brother and accused me of being a Treasonous Rick Perry Tea Party Member of 2009, not to be confused with today’s Tea Party)
7. Senator Judith Zaffirini (Drone Stalking Police Swatting Bio-lethal Weapons)
8. TX Senator Carlos Uresti (Profiting Off My Privacy Release Sharing Information)
9. San Antonio FBI (2008,2009,2010,2011, 2012,2013)
10. Bexar County Sheriff Office (Reported Abuse of Stalking of a Disabled Person In My Care “I Was The Texas Ward of State Protecting This Person At The Time” 2010,2013)
11. OCR Dallas (2010 Human Health Service Jourdanton Texas Assisted Call To OCR “Human Research Outside of Protocol, Stalking and Retaliation” Known by Senator Cornyn)
12. OCR Dallas (UTSA Retaliation Including Over $10,000.00 Fraud Student Loan Not Mine, Owed To The Department of Education 2009,2010,2011, 2012,2013 Never Worked)
13. Belinda Cardenas /Governor Rick Perry (Retaliation OCR Complaint and Whistle Blower including Swatting by The Texas Rangers and or Private Investigative Firms)
14. Atascosa County Sheriff’s Department Case Numbers 12-04270 and 12-04429 2006,2007,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013
15. Bush CIA/Secret Service (Threats To My Whole Family in 2008)
16. San Antonio TX Disabled Legal Representative(s) (Paid by Federal Funds, who Did not work my case and disclosed Attorney Client)
17. Secretary of the State Hilary Clinton (2009,2010,2011,2012)
18. Secretary of the State John Kerry (2012,2013)
19. Jose Aseda Texas House Representative Retired (06/15/2011)
20. The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States
21. Somerset Police Department 2009, 2010
22. A Letter to the Honorable George W. Bush pleading for Relief 2010
23. The Secret Service 2008, 2009, 2012
24. Leon Panetta CIA Director 2011 (Shortly after words, we were attacked by electromagnet devices)
25. Senator Cornyn, concerning Political targeting by Texas Fusion Centers and Top Secret American, who can and do control all electronic power to my home and abused that power including intrusive surveillance. (2008,2009,2010,2011,2012) (Evidence sent to the FBI 2013).
26. Senator Ted Cruz Concerning all the conditions above (2013)
On line Complaints of Abuse Report:
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DHS OIG Complaint Number C1307209Friday, March 15, 2013 10:56 PM
From: "DHS OIG" <DoNotReply@OIG.DHS.GOV>Add sender to Contacts
To: odellgregory@yahoo.com
You recently submitted a complaint to the DHS OIG via the OIG's online website. Your Complaint number is: C1307209. Complaints received at the OIG are reviewed to determine if DHS OIG investigation, or referral to a more appropriate entity, is warranted. If the allegation does not fall within the scope of DHS OIG's jurisdiction, then that information may be forwarded to the appropriate agency or authority for their review. This notification is not an indication your Complaint will be investigated by the DHS OIG or any other applicable investigating body. It is suggested you maintain a copy of this message for your records.
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DHS OIG Complaint Number C1307206Friday, March 15, 2013 3:00 PM
From: "DHS OIG" <DoNotReply@OIG.DHS.GOV>Add sender to Contacts
To: odellgregory@yahoo.com
You recently submitted a complaint to the DHS OIG via the OIG's online website. Your Complaint number is: C1307206. Complaints received at the OIG are reviewed to determine if DHS OIG investigation, or referral to a more appropriate entity, is warranted. If the allegation does not fall within the scope of DHS OIG's jurisdiction, then that information may be forwarded to the appropriate agency or authority for their review. This notification is not an indication your Complaint will be investigated by the DHS OIG or any other applicable investigating body. It is suggested you maintain a copy of this message for your records.
Gregory O’Dell ____________________________________ March 15, 2013
The Burden of Proof Radio Microwaves Used on Texans for GOP Political Control
Texas Rick Perry Bush GOP Covert Ops
Texas Rick Perry Bio-Lethal Attacks Low Altitude Drone Stalking
Texas Governor Rick Perry Tea Party Rebellion April 2009
Texas Governor Rick Perry Texas State Sponsored Terrorism
The Burden of Proof Radio Microwaves Used on Texans for GOP Political Control
Texas Rick Perry Bush GOP Covert Ops
Texas Rick Perry Bio-Lethal Attacks Low Altitude Drone Stalking
Texas Governor Rick Perry Tea Party Rebellion April 2009
Texas Governor Rick Perry Texas State Sponsored Terrorism
What A Wonderful Father's Day It is indeed!
Today asking for update from DHS 07/15/2013
No Update - Texas Stay is Session All Year Long - Here comes another Congressional Investigation
Privacy Why It Should Concern You by Order of Clandestine Monks
Intrusion into your personal space, by persons or networks of mindless electronic devices, plagiarizers and patent trolls has robbed you of your creativity, spirituality, copyrights, income, and dreams.
These Studies Have Known To Cause Meningitis
Non–infectious meningitis causes include
•Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus)
•Certain drugs
•Head injury
•Brain surgery
This type of meningitis is not spread from person to person. Non-infectious meningitis can be caused by cancers, systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus), certain drugs, head injury, and brain surgery.
Signs & Symptoms
Meningitis infection is characterized by a sudden onset of fever, headache, and stiff neck. It is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as
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•Altered mental status
CDC - Meningitis - Non-Infectious Meningitis - @CDCgov
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