Aerospace Surveillance: Domestic Issues
Human Subjects Neurological Monitoring Information
Collected Archived Sense 2007
Human Subjects Neurological Monitoring Information
Collected Archived Sense 2007
Human Research Outside of Protocol
“Allow me to state categorically, the NAO will have no relationship or interaction with either the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] or the Terrorist Surveillance Programs.”
George H. W. Bush Administration
Behind Mary's Blue Eyes The Subject of My Concern
It Is Not About Me!
Remote Sensing Capabilities Police Corruption Privacy?
It Is Not About Me!
Remote Sensing Capabilities Police Corruption Privacy?
National Technical Means (NTM)—such as overhead imagery from satellites—have been used for decades, lawfully and appropriately, to support a variety of domestic uses by the US government’s scientific, law enforcement and security agencies. The NAO, when operational, will facilitate the use of remote sensing capabilities to support a wide variety of customers, many of whom previously have relied on ad hoc processes to access these intelligence capabilities. The NAO will provide not only a well-ordered, transparent process for its customers but also will ensure that full protection of civil rights, civil liberties and privacy are applied to the use of these remote sensing capabilities [See Rick Perry Indictments for Democrat Persons of Texas Public Trust and Obama Supporters - No Tea Party Republicans Indictments Using the Same Information To Cherry Pick] .
*See: Demand Compensation And Medical Benefits From Texas Governor Rick Perry Victims of Non-Consensual Human Subjects of Experimentation
Assistant Secretary Charles E. Allen, Chief Intelligence Officer, Department of Homeland Security, Statement for the Record before the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, September 6, 2007. Traditionally the term NTM has included various intelligence disciplines, including signals intelligence; however, at this hearing Allen stated offered the following clarification: “Allow me to state categorically, the NAO will have no relationship or interaction with either the FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] or the Terrorist Surveillance Programs.” It should be noted, however, that the ISG included “NSA [National Security Agency] worldwide assets” among the intelligence capabilities under discussion.
Although mechanisms for using imagery and other data acquired by satellites for some domestic needs have been in existence since the 1970s without controversy, the possibility of using satellites to support law enforcement and homeland security missions has raised serious concerns among Members of Congress and individuals and groups concerned about the possibility of using intelligence resources as a weapon against U.S. persons. The complexities of congressional oversight of agencies with law enforcement and foreign intelligence missions along with widely circulated reports that Congress was not notified of new satellite missions contributed significantly to these concerns. The Bush Administration delayed the establishment of the NAO and provided an opportunity for further congressional consideration of the issues involved but took steps to establish the NAO for some purposes even before important legal issues were resolved. Having conducted a review of the issue, the Obama Administration terminated the NAO, but has not provided detailed information about current procedures for the domestic use of satellites for domestic purposes.
Author Contact Information
Richard A. Best Jr. Specialist in National Defense, 7-7607 Jennifer K. Elsea Legislative Attorney, 7-5466
Obama Administration Policies
Demand Compensation And Medical Benefits For Bush Administration Victims of Non-Consensual Human Subjects of Experimentation
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Stakeholders And Your Brain
Part I Overview Information
Department of Health and Human Services
Participating Organizations
National Institutes of Health (NIH), (
Components of Participating Organizations
National Cancer Institute (NCI), (
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), (
National Institute on Aging (NIA), (
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), (
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), (
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), (
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), (
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), (
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), (
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), (
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), (
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), (
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), (
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), (
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), (
Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), (
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (
Title: Research On Ethical Issues In Human Subjects Research (R01)
Announcement Type
This is a revision of PA-02-103, which was previously released May 1, 2002.
•January 5, 2007 - The R01 portion of this funding opportunity has been replaced by PA-07-277, which now uses the electronic SF424 (R&R) application for February 5, 2007 submission dates and beyond.
•October 31, 2006 - See Notice (NOT-HG-07-002) The NHGRI would like to inform the community that it is interested in receiving R03, R21 and R01 applications in response to these three Funding Opportunity Announcements and would thus like to clarify the language in the contact information.
•June 9, 2006 (NOT-HL-06-130) - Notice to add NHLBI to list of participating institutes
Looking ahead: As part of the Department of Health and Human Services' implementation of e-Government, during FY 2006 the NIH will gradually transition each research grant mechanism to electronic submission through and the use of the SF 424 Research and Related (R&R) forms. Therefore, once the transition is made for a specific grant mechanism, investigators and institutions will be required to submit applications electronically using For more information and an initial timeline, see NIH will announce each grant mechanism change in the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts ( Specific funding opportunity announcements will also clearly indicate if submission and the use of the SF424 (R&R) is required. Investigators should consult the NIH Forms and Applications Web site ( for the most current information when preparing a grant application.
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Behind Mary’s Blue Eyes the Subject of My Concern It Is Not about Me!
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