Concerning The 911 Patriot Act ‘We the People’ Are the Best Intelligence
On 13 November 1963 at approximately 11: am, an accidental nuclear detonation shook the whole town of San Antonio, Texas with it epoch center in the Medina Base Annex south west of town that broke windows 30 miles away on the north side of San Antonio. The only known accidental nuclear device detonation openly reported in the United States of America.
Thank God for miracles that seem to oppose the laws of physics or the natural order of things, that saved the world from thermal Nuclear destruction on November 13th while President John F Kennedy was in San Antonio Texas around 11: am. Sadly, he was assassinated weeks later in Dallas Texas and Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President of the United States who took total micro control of the military police action in South Vietnam that I believe would have ended within months instead of years by the diplomacy of John F. Kennedy if he live the life of his term.
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Some Are Better At Math Than Others |
There was also, a near global nuclear launch triggered in 1982 that leaves many of us with mistrust for human judgment and a strengthening of a belief in a common everyday god as real as the invisible nose on your face outside of peripheral perception that rides in the blind spot of social recognition for some but not for others.
Consequently, I tell my family and friends to stay clear of me, even to the extent of leaving town on November 13, who have living memory of the explosion November 13 1964, and the first terrorist bombing finance by Osama Bin Laden was deliberately detonated, destroying a federal building next to the building my dearly departed wife, a Federal employee was working on November 13, 1995. Her death was years latter from unrelated causes and my only true love until I met Mary. The bombing was reported by CNN as follows:
“Ambassador: Car bomb destroyed military building, CNN November 13, 1995 - Witnesses said the scene was chaotic right after the blast. Bystanders helped to load bleeding casualties into cars to be taken to hospitals. "We are seeing a lot of burns," said a hospital spokesperson in Riyadh. Witnesses said the blast was felt across the city. "A huge explosion shook our building," a Riyadh resident said. "It was like an earthquake.””
“Ambassador: Car bomb destroyed military building, CNN November 13, 1995 - Witnesses said the scene was chaotic right after the blast. Bystanders helped to load bleeding casualties into cars to be taken to hospitals. "We are seeing a lot of burns," said a hospital spokesperson in Riyadh. Witnesses said the blast was felt across the city. "A huge explosion shook our building," a Riyadh resident said. "It was like an earthquake.””
Surprisingly, I thought it was evident the attack on American ex-patriots occupying Saudi Arabia, was planned financed and orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden, Who I understand was the leader of "A group called The Islamic Movement for Change" that claimed responsibility of the bombing.
Evidently, President George W. Bush Jr. was unaware of this connection and retains ties to the Al-Qaida Terrorist Leader and his family for six more years. It makes a lot of sense that the 911 attack on New York would have never happened if our intelligence agencies knew, what was common knowledge by people who witness the bombing in Riyadh Saudi Arabia; however, nobody asked us our opinions. The Investigation of the first bombing of Al-Qaida is just one of many examples, which prove “The People are the Best Intelligence.”
After I understood that investigators never made the connection, I voice my opinion in writing on April 30, 2011, concerning the 911 Patriot Act - 24 hours later on May 1, 2011 Osama Bin Laden was killed by Navy seals. I thought to myself, “It’s a Miracle !” This prompted a letter to Congressman Henry Cuellar who requested solutions to balance the budget as follows:
“Number One Budget Solution of the Year Award Kill the 911 Patriot Act! 911 Patriot Act Unnecessary Expense. The CIA and the FBI have always had this Authority! And Should Have!
The Biggest Budget Cut Should Be Scrutinized. The 911 Patriot Act is an Unnecessary Expense that is not keeping anybody "Safer" but Osama Bin Laden, well until last week or for 15 years, and George Bush who kept ties with him after he financed the first Terrorist Bombing in Riyadh Saudi Arabia! Who I understand was the leader of "A group called The Islamic Movement for Change" that claimed responsibility of the first federal building bombing in Saudi Arabia November 13, 1995.
No Conspiracy, Just Plain old Stupidity! Now They [Bush Administration May 2011] takes credit for the breach and they should have credit for something that should of Never Happened! Which includes the attack on New York killing 4000, two unnecessary wars, the economic displacement of billions of people on a global scale, save for the wealthy few who do not pay taxes.
Give Credit where credit is due, Dick Cheney draining every dime out of Washington, causing Global Economic Crisis, a blank check justified by the 911 Patriot Act. What would be the projection of economic recovery if the 911 Patriot Act was repealed today? This is a question for Congressional economic experts on Capitol Hill and don't quote Dick Cheney and say "Nobody Saw It Coming."
911 Act Repealed = X
911 Act Repealed = No Impact to National Security
I expect an answer. Congress should have already done the projection. Don't let the High School Kids Beat You to the Answer.
I received and answer, which is contrary to request to repeal the 911 Patriot Act that plunged the new world in to Global Economic Crisis. To his credit, he said he was open to other means to improve on the Act that he believes is keeping us safer which worries me and intensifies my belief that there must be an everyday ordinary God working miracles in our lives.
Although Mary and I share a common mystical knowledge, religions and academia have done an injustice to others who don’t believe in an everyday common god that works miracles in their lives. Any perceiver is a situated knower and their perception is the I-ness of the individual that uses the human body as a temporary home while living on earth. This I-ness also applies to those who may not have a visual sense such as someone that is blind. As mentioned previously, the Story of Helen Keller, a deaf and blind child who pioneered brail so she could read and write and communicate with others is an excellent example.
The mystical life style which I describe as a trans-personality was common place thousands of years ago before humanity began to degenerate, dwelling more in the lower worlds of thought instead of the higher transpersonal state of consciousness. We all praise rationality, but seldom do we apply the same criteria in the quiet of our own minds. To think about something is to acknowledge the fact that the thinker does not know. To know requires no thought. Thought is an instinctive animal by-product useful only in the binary worlds. Take for example, mankind’s closet relative, the common chimpanzee whose reasoning ability is astonishing and well documented in the animals’ own habitat by primatologist.
Chimpanzee societies are made up of individuals that associate learned behavior, and rely on group relationships to survive. Chimpanzee raiding parties have been observed attacking neighboring chimpanzee communities. These clashes are planned, orchestrated and deadly. Male chimps actively seek apes outside their own community and kill which sometimes includes death of infants. Within their own group, seldom is another chimp killed. Just as in human society, where reason promotes virtue, so too does it breed vice. Anytime nature gives up a portion of instinct for logic, the phenomena of stupidity occurs.
The possible near future extinction of many primate species is weighed carefully against human population needs and forest resources. The disappearance of the great apes certainly have a negative aesthetic effect on the human psyche; however, the extinction of the chimpanzee, man’s closest relative, precariously shifts humans to the top of the endangered primate list.
Pan Troglodytes or robust chimpanzees share not only biological similarities to humans but also social and psychological adaptive traits to cope in diverse or diminishing habitat. If these creatures can no longer cope in a diminishing environment, a global concern for our own existence could be in serious question.
Sean D. Pitman, M.D. published an article in 2005 tilted The Evolution of Early man warns:
"Taking isolated similarities by themselves, the theory of evolution appears to be quite reasonable... to a point. However, it seems that too much weight has been placed on similarities without questioning the conclusions that are drawn from the evidence are often and have often been very much exaggerated to fit personal beliefs and biases. Yes, even scientists have biases and favorite theories"
Dr. Pitman goes on to quote one the greatest scholars of the Evolution theory of man evolving from apes, "For example, in 1990, Richard Leakey himself said that, "If pressed about man's ancestry, I would have to unequivocally say that all we have is a huge question mark. If further pressed, I would have to state that there is more evidence to suggest an abrupt arrival of man rather than a gradual process of evolving."
Apologetic History of the Indies written by Bartolomé de Las Casas, reporting the Spanish conquistadors genocide of Indians of South American is more evidence of an abrupt arrival of intelligence rather than the contrary gradual process of evolution of primitive man. The Friar Bartolome de Las Casas explains::
“Not only have [the Indians] shown themselves to be very wise peoples and possessed of lively and marked understanding, prudently governing and providing for their ….that have been praised for their governance, politics and customs; and exceed by no small measure the wisest of all these, such as the Greeks and Romans, in adherence to the rules of natural reason. . ..All persons had professions, and each one busied himself and worked to gain his necessary livelihood. .... The rearing of children, in which parents inculcate the obedience and faithfulness owed to superiors -- where is it surpassed?”
The friar goes on to compare the highways of South America as a miracle, or a positive event in his life that seemed to oppose the laws of physics or the natural order of things:
“Then, there is that miracle -- such it may be called for being the most remarkable, singular and skilful construction of its kind, I believe, in the world -- of the two highways.... across the mountains and along the coast. The finer and more admirable of these extends for at least six and perhaps eight hundred leagues and is said to reach the provinces of Chile.... In Spain and Italy I have seen portions of the highway said to have been built by the Romans from Spain to Italy, but it is quite crude in comparison with the one built by these peoples.…”
The last remains of true Mysticism (from the Greek μυστικός, mystikos) or universal knowing can be traced before Socrates 850 BCE; unfortunately, his pupil Plato just did not understand the higher ground and assimilated an inferior teaching to his student, Aristotle. Aristotle’s telos teachings were self-motivating political strategies used to control others. The pseudo philosophers of his time were nothing more than corrupt politicians and reason in itself, the conspiracy.
The wave of Aristotle new thought came to a crest and crashed on the beach of social order. Academia was borne, a cancerous degeneration of self-analysis and objective logic, backed by power egos which, over time, led to the complete destruction of the Roman Empire and plunged the world into the dark ages just as integrated digital systems collapsed the global economy at the beginning of 21st century.
Logic, rationality, and even mathematics are imperfect sciences based on at least one exception to reason that lends the mind to a linear way of thinking or a popular belief in Linearism, a view point that life is a rigid time line controlled by known laws of physics; if true, linearism leaves no room for miracles to take place in one‘s life. Transpersonalism is a Transpersonal view of the world, perhaps in contrast to the linearist perception. Transpersonal’s such as Mary and I believe that life is not rigid and is full of limitless possibilities.
Certainly, the closest I could describe my soul in a logical linear way would be- here now in a point in spacelessness.
In other words, my being or the I-ness of my being is here now always. The perceiver or the I-ness of a being transcends the known laws of physics that applies to the temporal or things with beginnings and endings. That which is eternal has no beginning or end and is the higher legislative law that determines the natural order of things.
Shape and forms of things seem to be adaptive to the world which surrounds or affects a particular body. Certainly, this is true in a sense but not necessarily. Objects are conditioned by the physics of awareness, the higher law of perception in which all lower laws must obey. Critical thinking never help me much in matters of the soul, maybe because deduction and logic is something new to the world and to me, a way to explain something eternal that is “Always Known Here Now.”
Yes, scholars such as Tyler and other credible academics lend a way to understand our world and our place in it; however, they exclude the possibility of things beyond binary associations which are the things we perceive, some of which are visible and outside of peripheral perception, or those events that seem to oppose the laws of physics or the natural order of things. The Transpersonal shift of consciousness, anything outside of yourself including yourself, demonstrated by Mary and me, can be better understood by way of spiritual parable.
When Mary and I first met, traditional introductions failed but we found a way to understand each other with a story or a parable with meaning, we wrote the good ones down in a journal and continue to jot down inspiring tales that seem to connect us or provide a way of understanding one another still today.
I still hold the half-filled handwritten copy close to me, in my heart and on my writing table. How else to try and understand common ordinary miracles shared by Mary and me such as our transpersonal journey 60 miles from our home as our bodies rest sound asleep?
It is needless to try and explain to Mary that there are miracles happening in our lives, she already knows; however, she loves to hear a story from a critical thinker like me, even though she already knows the meaning! The following story is a metaphysical parable I wrote Mary trying to explain what I meant when I repeated what my teacher told me “You can never tell the spiritual worth of person by the way they look or behave, no matter how depraved or righteous the person may appear.”
The mystical transpersonal life does not exclude religious beliefs which are in fact philosophical views shared by most religions of the world. Concerning the origins of religions, they can be appreciated academically by creditable sources with what information we can obtain from experts in the field of the philosophy of religion going back at least 5000 years.
To me, if there is something that we can all believe in it would be the laws of physics that orchestrate our natural world. So it makes good sense that ritual grew out of events that seem to oppose the laws of physics or the natural order of things, unexplained positive events we call miracles, because they seem to be beyond the limits of human reasoning, perhaps an innate inquirer or you, what makes you you, the nature of self as reflected in my essay “Me, What Makes Me me, the Nature of Self” journal entry August 2007.
Indo-Aryan intrusions over the steppe into ancient Babylonia around the third millennia B.C., marks a significant shift from animism, the adoration of nature, to religious patterns spirited by competing views of nature and causality. Philosophical debate is rooted in the earliest known textual expressions of the Rig-Veda and the emergence of the Upanishads of Hindu Vedanta tradition known as the Vedic Period. Over a span of two thousand years, the adoration of nature unfolded to a reverence of Brahmin, the nature of universal self (Indian xviii).
The Vedic Period gave way to several different ideologies such as Buddhism, Jainism, Savism, and Vaisnavism. Many believe this shift from traditional Hinduism was based on opposing claims of causality; identity- the nature of self. The debate of identity and non-identity theorems is evident throughout the Upanishads and historically remembered as the life of Gautama the Buddha. Still at a much later date, a third position of ethnicity termed ‘Ren’, self as community, developed from the teachings of Confucius which complemented Buddhism and Daoism.
The latter Vedic Period of 300 BC to 600 B.C. is dominated by two philosophical views; the traditional Brahmin which deals with the embodiment of the unconditional self, and applied science, the birth of logic. The Upanishads migrate from the idea of a superior ruler of many gods to monism, a unified whole or universal-self termed ‘Atman’. Logic developed from competing theories of physical proofs accredited to Kanada author of the vaiseskika sutra.
The vaiseskika sutra adopts the atomic principle of immutable atoms. The vaiseskika atomic view called padarths is a six fold classification of objects of experience: substance, quality (attribute), activity, generality, particularity, and inherence (p386). The contemporary Nyaya system of logic may be based on the vaiseskika ideology which develops much later; estimated to be two-thousand years old. Most Hindu schools of thought accept the fundamental principle of Nyaya logic; whereas, generality, particularity and inherence are logically inferred; substance, attribute, and activity possess real objective existence.
Joel Kupperman explains that the Buddhist philosophy sees the world as a “swirl of fragments, linked by causal relation and by other associations (p 22).” Causality for the Buddhist is a set of conditions such as striking a match must have the conditions for striking and lighting the match; an action requires conditions to act. In other words, the picture of things is lighting up of a particular combination of immutable atoms.
The term ‘anatman’ refers to the Buddhist rejection of the traditional Hindu view, “Atman is Brahmin” the main theme of the Upanishads. “The Dhammapada”, a Buddhist text, rejects “Atman” and the notion of a “real self” (Kupperman p 22). Although both Hinduism and Buddhism show contempt to egoism and individualism, neither denies the ego-self or a first person view of the world.
Joel Kupperman explains, “The Dhammada” metaphysics is opposite to that of Hindu philosophy. The ego-self does not exist in the absolute sense; not some permanent thing. And second, the self is just a name in the absolute sense, a convenient designation, in other words, the term ‘self” is the name designated as psychotically physical complex that exist in the absolute sense at the same time.
The Vedic tradition is revived by Samkara a thousand years later (788-820? A.D.) The Vedanta sutra chief commentators are Samkara, Ramanuja, and Mafdhva. Samkara expresses in his introduction of the “Vendanta Sutra” an identity claim of undifferentiated consciousness unaffected by death of the physical body. Samkara supports that reality self (Atman) is existence, knowledge and bliss universal and infinite. Conversely, non-identity of two properties as defined by Nyaya logic would still require an abstract object. Samkara claims an absolute identity between Brahman and the individual self- an identity claim, the nature of self and it’s relation to the absolute. Gregg Singlar explains, “Samkara repudiates the subjectivism of the Yogacaras (Buddhist idealists). He also holds that the world is non-existent. Our ignorance is born of a confusion of the transcendental subject (Atman) with empirical existence (anatman pg 507).”
Nevertheless, self-preservation takes precedence over any other human activity; few philosophers would defend their lives with an abstract theory, especially when we consider what is really me, what makes me me- the nature of self. Thomas Hobbs’s would argue for freedom, an unrestrained will such as the unbridled impulse that drove the Indo-Aryans over the steppe bringing havoc to the biblical frontiers of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers some 5000 years ago. Conversely, a third concept of identity blossomed in the Far East from the teachings of Confucius, a concept of self-interest best served by serving others- the nature of self (Ren) as community (li).
Confucius seems to think we should be concerned with what is personally satisfying because a satisfying life is living in a society or group (Ren) by way of ritual (Li). Social relations are crucial with Confucius’s ethical methodology. Confucius rejected the idea of morality as a set of rules or imperatives; if ethics is Ren by way of Li, then he cannot make a judgment on another person’s behavior or say it is morally wrong to live in a certain way.
Both ren and li are essential to Confucius’ ethical methodology; ‘Ren’ referrers to society (man plus others), and the term ‘Li’ refers to ritual or custom. Confucius would say, ren is not easy, ren is not far away, all you have to do is desire ren (another person), be it a society or interpersonal relationship. Confucianism can be argued as an identity claim in the absolute sense here now. Causality for Confucius is an ethical concern that leads to immortality-the nature of self in others!
Returning to Mary and my journal of metaphysical parables, which are simply stories that may reveal a paradox or give meaning to ideologies beyond the realm of human reasoning such as “A Story of Soul and a Way to See It.” If there is something called soul, there must be a way to see it, even if they dwell in the peripheral blind spot of social invisibility. Could it be that there is an everyday ordinary common god, outside of peripheral perception as close as the invisible nose on your invisible face, working miracles in our lives?
Again, critical thinking never did much good in matters of the soul; however, concerning Domestic Surveillance and the 911 Patriot Act ‘We the People’ Are the Best Intelligence.
Gregory O’Dell 100% USDA Prime Butt
April 4, 2009, April 15th 2010 Rev ii San Antonio Texas
“God Bless America!”
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